Eco responsible ink

For designs even more eco-responsiblewe have the solution.

What'zhat is a design agency based in Leuven. Vietnam This is a subject that affects us in two ways. The issues surrounding ink and pollution Air pollution is part of our daily lives. That's why today we bring you the story ofAir Ink.


When Anirudh Sharma was just a student at the time, he travelled to India. He took this rather artistic photo of his native country, which sparked off a brilliant idea: black ink made from the pollution in our car exhausts.

Read more about this anecdote in this article TED TALK video.

He then embarked on several home-made experiments to find out if his project was really feasible. It was a success. Together with his team Nikhil, Nisheetj and Nitesh, they transformed their living rooms into assembly lines for their innovative pens. That was in 2012, and since then production has grown steadily, with Ink Air now being used by artists around the world.


Air Ink is first and foremost Kaalinkthe little machine that can be fitted to any exhaust pipe to extract PM2.5. This complicated scientific name in fact simply refers to the dust of pollution created by our cars, motorbikes, factories...

A pen corresponds to 40 - 50 minutes of pollution from a diesel engine. However, you may be wondering whether this ink is totally safe and of good quality. Well, it is. The dangerous thing about pollution dust is the microparticlesThese particles are so fine that they pass through our lungs and into our bloodstream! By compacting these particles in the ink, they become harmless.

Especially since the 1er November 2018, WHO announces in Geneva that pollution kills 7 million of us every year, so Air Ink is just what we need!


In July 2016, the team worked with Tiger Beer and produced a promotional video.

The video was a resounding success and was picked up by news organisations around the world. As a result, artists started flocking to get their hands on one of these felt-tips. Here are two of them:

Kristopher Ho, Hong Kong muralist, his account Instagram.

Artist Caratoes designs a wall with Air Ink. Image c/o CNN


Kickstarter, which is currently celebrating its 10th anniversary, is a platform that connects entrepreneurs with creative ideas and contributors ready to invest in these projects. It was on this platform that Air Ink was able to obtain the necessary budget for its development.

They classify projects by category:

  • Art,
  • Comics and illustration,
  • Design and technology,
  • Cinema,
  • Gastronomy and creation,
  • Games,
  • Music and publishing.

Some of our favourite Whatzhat projects:

♻️ Iris - The drawing tool that inspires creativity

♻️ Via - Waterproof trainers made from recycled ocean plastic

♻️ Other promising projects that give us confidence in the future!

To follow Air Ink's adventures, don't forget to subscribe to their page Instagram.

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JAGO, artist

JAGO, The stone sculptor


Jago is a Italian artist thirty-one years old, passionate about the art of sculpture. One of his mentors was Michelangelo (1475-1564), nothing to do with the new pizzeria that opened downstairs or the Ninja Turtles! Michelangelo is famous for having painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (1505-1512). Does that remind you of your history books? Basically, the Sistine Chapel is the Pope's house in the Vatican. And Michelangelo painted that famous fresco there called "The Last Judgement". You know, that big painting with the two guys reaching out to touch each other's fingertips? Well, that's him!

Jago wonders what Michelangelo would have done today if he had access to social networks. Imagine being able to follow the evolution of this painting in time lapse on Facebook! Jago didn't want to miss out and filmed all his creations. Granted, the Italian modesty is there for all to see, but that's how we like them, and maybe even with their red mini swimming costumes on the beach in summer. The idea is that it is perhaps more interesting to see how the work is produced rather than the final work itself.

"The Pope is naked"is one of the sculptures for which this time lapse idea is interesting. While this sculpture of the Pope was on display, Jago received a message from his father saying "Mich-mich, the Pope is resigning himself and taking off his religious robes". Jago takes the sculpture home and literally starts to work on it. undress with your tools. Version 2 of the sculpture is born and... the Pope is naked! Grazie Jago.

By the same artist

Jago is packed with resources and interesting concepts. Here's a small example with theMuscle Mineral"theTrain"andEscalibur". Did you know that the plastic AK-47 is the most popular children's toy in the world? The real thing can easily be found in the Congo for the same price as an Xbox®.

Flamingosis music

FLAMINGOSIS, a hymn to eternal summer

Listen to this and let yourself be carried away by the reading

Art can have negative connotations and can exacerbate your dark thoughts. But this is not the case with the artist featured here, who is the opposite of pessimistic.

Close your eyes and breathe in the gentle Miami air. Let the sun warm your skin. You lie on a sun lounger while a model with bulging muscles blows air at you with a gigantic palm leaf. Somewhere, far away from your vast garden with its perfectly cut lawn and large bushes carved in the shape of African animals, the waves lap gently against your yacht. You take another bite of...sandwich and dive headfirst into the pool of imported Italian mineral water. The water is good. Good, indeed. You surface to catch your breath. Juan Carlos is standing by the pool, waiting for you with a fruit cocktail. You climb the ladder and give him a gentle squeeze on his bottom. He smiles and winks at you, the rascal. You take a sip. The nectar sends shivers down your spine. Sex, diamonds, exotic cats and unpronounceable car names. The warm limestone tickles your feet. You stroll through the house before sprawling out on your Herman Miller sofa, your gaze lingering on the naked figure of the Picasso in your living room. She returns your gaze with envy! You're about to take a little nap when suddenly your boss taps you on the shoulder and asks how you're getting on with the quarterly report. You wake up in your cubicle in front of an Excel spreadsheet...

Tribute to @moosalini the poet

When you listen to Flamingosis you feel a wave of positivity and optimism. As if the future will be better and the summer sun will never stop shining. The world of Flamingosis is like a parallel universe where the cultural codes of the 60s and 70s have survived to the present day.

This unique artist uses remixing and sampling to create a bridge across time, bringing older songs up to date and bringing out their groove. And it works, as the tracks on his albums follow one another, with different styles ranging from disco to hip-hop and jazz, but always in a graceful ensemble that is the artist's signature.

The man behind the name Flamingosis, an American called Aaron Velasquez calls himself "a sensitive man with a groovy plan". The musician began his career in 2014 and has released a new album every summer since.

The name 'Flamingosis', which sounds a lot like the English name for Pink Flamingo, is actually the name of a Frisbee move invented by his father, a former champion of the sport. A tribute to his father, to whom he owes many of his musical influences.

Whether you're already a connoisseur of this kind of music or you need a gateway to get started in the instrumental music style, don't hesitate to visit Flamingosis on Bandcamp or on his Youtube channel. His level of creativity is off the charts, and quite frankly, a benchmark for those who love good music.

So, did you enjoy the trip?