Industry 4.0 with industrial robots and advanced technologies

Industrial Marketing Agency


onwards and upwards!

Manufacturers have specific communication needs. Manufacturers, distributors, installers, subcontractors, engineering or industrial consultancies - each has its own know-how, solutions, challenges and specific terms.

That's where What'zhat, our communications agency, comes in to bring it all together. Thanks to our experience of the industry and our understanding of these sectors, we will provide you with the levers to highlight your activity and the added value of your solutions.

What'zhat, Your communications agency specialising in industry

At What'zhat, we specialize in communication for manufacturers as a dedicated manufacturing marketing agency. Together we will discuss positioning, industrial marketing and communication strategy.

We put our skills at the service of your sector of activity in order to achieve the objectives set. The core of our performance comes from our team, which is made up of different profiles: project managers, web specialists, graphic designers, copywriters, illustrators, video animators, videographers and photographers.

Our areas of expertise include :

Branding and Graphic Design

Brand image is central to any communication strategy. It's the way your industry differentiates its products/services from the competition and is perceived by your customers and partners. It is what makes it recognisable, what communicates its culture, its values and your message with precision. It's also an important part of your marketing strategy and needs to be well thought out beforehand. Our team of graphic designers will help you create a powerful, unique and consistent brand image that reflects the level of expertise in your industry.

Thanks to the unique creative process developed at What'zhat, we combine your unique vision of the business (your culture) and the uniqueness of your market (how customers perceive the players in it) to create a captivating visual identity that allows you to communicate efficient and consistent.

Creation of brochures and catalogues for industry

Your communication tools (catalogues, product sheets, business cards, flyers, sales brochures, event posters, etc.) need to have an impact and convey a clear message. positive image your industry and your products.

The catalogue or brochure is a marketing tool that is particularly well-suited to industrial companies. It allows you to advertise your products and services clearly and concisely, highlighting your production chain, the processes used and the solutions provided in your sectors. It can also be used to publicise technical specifications of its products. It is a essential aid for sales representatives who can use it as a sales aid and leave it with the customer after an appointment.

Our design team will take care of the design and layout your communication materials, applying your branding. With creativity at the heart of our identity, we can offer you state-of-the-art printing modes in the sector: totem POS, matt printing, micro-perforated laser cutting, hot foil stamping, glitter, scratch-off games, embossing, object or plantable business cards and selective varnish. Papers based on citrus or grape must are also now available.

As part of an environmentally responsible approach, the creative services of our printers and subcontractors are chosen according to this value: stock of paper from sustainable sources. sustainably managed forestsuse ofvegetable-based inks and waste management. We'll support you right through to the printing and delivery of your communication materials.

Industry websites

Nowadays, every self-respecting company must have a website with a high ranking in search results. More and more professionals are researching products and services online before making a decision, which is why it's important to be well referenced and to offer a clear, ergonomic website design. It's your showcase on the net. Websites are also accessible 24/7This makes it easy for potential customers to find you at any time of day.

What'zhat, your web communications agency, takes care of everything: from the design to the online of your website. We work with CMS ,such as WordPress,ergonomic tools to help you update your website in complete autonomy once online : updated content, news and blog postsWe'll teach you the skills and technical know-how to make sure you're comfortable navigating the user backend. We can also help you with referencing of your website so that it is visible on search engines like Google and so that it is well positioned.

Each collaboration is based on tailor-made support for the choosing a domain namethe choice of accommodationfrom the creation of a website tailored to the needs, challenges and requirements of our clients. budgets.

Digital Communication Strategy and Industry Content Strategy

Industry is a sector that has evolved enormously in recent years and the digital has become a major challenge for companies that want to survive. No business today can do without it, whatever its size or sector.

The digital transformation of companies involves new ways of thinking and working, the development of new tools and the acquisition of new skills by employees. What'zhat supports you in your digital transformation and helps you to supports you throughout this process by helping you build a solid digital communications strategy for your domain. What are your objectives? What message do you want to get across? What media should you use? What's your budget?

We can help you define your targets, your message.This work is essential because it enables you to structure your digital communication and make it more effective. This work is essential because it enables you to structure your digital communication, to make it more effective and above all save time! Because consistent, homogeneous communication achieves much better results than heterogeneous content production. An integrated digital marketing strategy can help industrial manufacturers provide necessary information to businesses, streamline the decision-making process, and help move prospects down the sales funnel faster.

We will put in place the tools needed for success: natural and paid referencing, blog, etc. landing pages,online advertising campaigns, marketing funnels et/ou réseaux sociaux (ou Community management). Content marketing plays a crucial role in enhancing online visibility and market presence, supporting your business goals within an integrated marketing strategy.

Video shooting and animation

Video is an increasingly popular communication tool for businesses. It is the most popular more efficient at transmitting information per minute. It allows you to present your products, services and events in a way that is easy to understand. original and captivating. It will highlight the added value of your industry, communicate the technical specifications of your products clearly and concisely, and illustrate your points of sale at trade fairs or meetings. In addition, it is an effective way of training your sales staff and an essential support for sales representatives, who can use it as a sales aid via a simple link in an e-mail during sales pitches.

Guaranteed "wow" effectThere's also the option of adding virtual reality for the more ambitious.

Each collaboration is a tailor-made experience for the creation of videos, adapted according to needs and budgets. We'll use our skills and technical expertise to create commercials with charm and seduction.

What'zhat's video production studio offers you all the services you need to create quality videos: shooting or filming, virtual reality, editing, post-production and animation. We'll be with you every step of the way, from from writing the script to publishing the video on your website or social networks.

We can also help you with referencing your videos so that they are well positioned on viewing platforms such as YouTube.

How can a specialist industrial marketing agency help you with your B-to-B efforts?

A communications agency specialising in the industrial sector knows the specifics of the sector and the messages to highlight in your press relations.

Our creativity is at your service to develop new concepts in your sector. Our mastery of industrial marketing, including inbound marketing strategies, is at the heart of our performance. This enables us to be a force to be reckoned with by creating videos that will advertise your products, combining seduction and innovation. These are important assets when you want to target key B-to-B accounts.

What'zhat, the communications agency that delivers

And there's no denying it!

Working with companies has taught us one thing: it doesn't matter how, the deliverable has to be meets the objectives. This seemingly obvious requirement allows us to read between the lines to assimilate your expectations, your vision, your added value and understand the ins and outs of your industry. It's no surprise that what you get is exactly what you need, right on time, and better. We're all about delivering.

Which brings us to the real deliverance for you, that of those creative tasks you try to cobble together or give to your assistant.

That's how our communications agency can help you win time, energy and resources.

And, come to think of it, it makes sense to concentrate on your expertise (you know, the one that makes your company money) and to be supported by innovative professionals with the know-how you lack in-house. Take your media to the next level with your dedicated agency. Websites, PowerPoint presentations, goodies, email signatures, newsletters, business cards, mock-ups or digital platforms... Use all the levers at your disposal to shine with your customers.

What'zhat knows your business and your needs

The companies and sectors we’ve worked with include energy (distributors & installers), construction, manufacturing, logistics, and manufacturing companies. We understand what’s at stake in your sectors and how best to share innovation, identity, value and industry culture. We know that when you sell to companies, your reputation comes into play.

And, what's more, the potential customers in these markets are generally very small. well informed about the products and services available. So you need to make sure that your offer is clearly understood and that it stands out from the rest.

Your What'zhat agency will help you refine your brand strategy. In fact, working on your communication to create a memorable image will find a response from industrial buyers and help you win more business. With our help, you can increase brand awareness your brand, reach a wider customer base and, ultimately increase your sales.

And good news! Your What'zhat agency can integrate your teams and be an integral part of your communication strategy.

Focus expertise: Drawing up and printing your annual report

Entrusting the design of your annual review to our communications agency can bring you a number of advantages. We'll save you time, resources and, most likely, money. Our team of professionals will create a high-quality digital document with graphics, visuals, icons, illustrations and other content that can be easily understood and appreciated by customers.

The final deliverable will be the source document as well as a file ready to be printed by following the printers' constraints (bleed, RGB codes, etc.). We'll save you the hassle of page layout and endless discussions with your printer. Our customers appreciate our responsiveness, our technical expertise and the perspective we can bring to the presentation of their content.

At What'zhat, we use modern media and printing techniques to create high-quality documents. Our team uses the latest technologies to ensure that all documents meet your industry standards, your ethical requirements and your desires, while being visually appealing. Our agency makes it a point of honour to keep abreast of innovations in printable media so that we can offer you the best possible solutions. personalised communication media The list goes on: matt or grainy paper, gilding, on grape must, with or without embossing, selective varnish... The list goes on and on.

Focus on expertise: Designing your PowerPoint business presentations

At our agency, we understand the importance of presenting your products and services in a way that effective and punchy. Our expertise includes the creation of customised in-house or professional PowerPoint presentations.

They are designed to capture the public's attention by ensuring that everyone is involved. the elements are well thought-out and aesthetically pleasingall with a smooth navigation. This communications service uses creative approaches to meet your needs. content synthesis issuesYou'll need to understand your business data, your strategy, confidentiality, your brand and the role of the customer. All this so that you can understand the key points quickly and accurately.

We have an in-depth knowledge of the presentation design industry with its latest technologies and tools, so you can be sure we're up to date with the ever-changing trends in the sector. Our communications agency understands the importance of delivering a message that has impact, and we strive to create presentations that will leave a lasting impression. lasting memories for your readers.

Focus on expertise: Creating animated videos or motion design

Animations have the power to bringing ideas to life. These animated videos are a sure-fire way of presenting complex subjects in a simple, familiar format. They will enable you to present unique aspects of your industry and its identity in a short space of time.

They also provide a greater level of engagement and interactivity than words alone, static images or traditional videos can offer. What's more, the illustrations, images, sound effects and other features that can be included make them more attractive and more fun than any other service.

The experience and perception of your culture and your brand image by your audience will be pulled up!

Creating an animated video also saves time compared to shooting a live video or hiring actors.

Visibility, Communication and Marketing, what you need to remember

If you were to take away just one useful thing from this experience of looking for a communications agency, it would be the following list of levers, ranked in order of importance, to work on in order to be visible and attract quality leads:

1. Creation of a website attractive, mobile-friendly and optimised for search engine optimisation (what does your customer type into Google to find you?). Then develop a search engine optimisation strategy (positioning on “long tail” keywords) and incorporate marketing automation to help sales reps reach prospects online at the time they intend to purchase.

2. Creation of the promotional material such as leaflets, catalogues, brochures, business presentations, videos, flyers, postcards, etc. Let us advise you on effective marketing strategies to drive growth, increase revenue, and achieve online visibility.

3. Network! Attend industry events, trade fairs, conventions, conferences with industry professionals; Use direct marketing campaigns; Sponsor an industry association or get involved in community initiatives; Network. Word of mouth will follow.

4. Launch of targeted pay-per-click promotional campaigns on search engines such as Google Ads or LinkedIn Ads.

5. Implementing a Newsletter strategy by email to stay close to your customers and share your culture.

6. Creation of a strong presence on the Internet's social media Establish thought leadership through blogs or LinkedIn posts; Create webinars or a podcast with relevant speakers on topics specific to your industry; Leverage LinkedIn to find relevant contacts; Monitor, manage and respond to all online customer reviews; Participate in online industry forums/discussions.

7. Taking advantage of traditional advertising strategiesThese include: advertising on radio and television; submitting press releases on relevant events or company news; displaying signage in physical locations.

8. Getting involved in influencer marketing to develop brand awareness.

Our case studies

At What'zhat, we believe in the power of stories to bring people together and create significant links. We have worked with a wide range of clients in industry developing communication strategies that have helped them to achieve their commercial objectives. We're proud of our work, so we're delighted to share some of our recent case studies with you!

These case studies give you an insight into how we approach each project. We hope they will inspire you in your thinking about how to communicate more effectively with your own audience!

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

They trust us

Manufacturers from all over the world have placed their trust in us for help them shine. Our team has worked with a wide variety of companies in the manufacturing industry, including engineering, power generation, transport, and logistics.

Nous sommes fiers de notre travail et visons the excellence in every project we undertake.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress


Smart Jet

Silver Eagle


Pierre Fabre

The Blog

Welcome to the What'zhat blog! Here we share our ideas and expertise on everything to do with communication in the industry.

Whether you're a company director looking to seeking advice or simply curious want to know how the agency works, this blog is for you! So grab a cup of coffee and immerse yourself in our blog posts - we hope they'll help you keep up to date with all the latest news. the latest trends!

Drop us a line.

Responsiveness, skills, experience in your industry sector, a strong and professional brand. We've got everything we need to start a prolific and beneficial partnership.

Let's hear it for you.

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