Design Ux/Ui sur écran d'ordinateur

Web Design Agency

Turn your ideas into user experiences that engage and convert!

What’zhat, Your UX/UI Agency

At What’zhat, we understand that a great user experience is key to the success of any business. We offer personalized UX & UI services to help you design an exceptional user journey. Our team values ergonomics, ensuring that your products are enjoyable to navigate and aligned with your brand image and values.

Contact us today to learn more about how our agency can help you!

Put the user experience first

What is the difference between UX and UI?

UX design and UI design are both crucial for a product's success. However, they are distinct disciplines with different goals. While UX focuses on the overall experience, UI focuses on the graphical interface.
User-centered Ux design

The Ux (User Experience)

This refers to the overall experience of using a product, from designing the structure, organizing the product, layout, and interactions between different elements.

In other words: what users will find and how they will find it. The goal is for the identified "user personas" to achieve their objectives in the simplest and most intuitive way possible.

The Ui (User Interface)

It's the graphical interface through which users interact with a product. It includes all visual elements such as color palette, typography, images, illustrations, icons, etc.

The goal of UI design is to make these elements visually appealing, create a "wow" effect, and enhance the product's usability.

User interface (UI) in graphic design

How to create an effective brief for your UX/UI agency?

When you're ready to start working with a UX/UI agency, the first step is to create an effective brief. The goal of the brief is to help the agency understand your needs so they can provide the best possible solution.

To do this, it needs to be as clear and concise as possible. Avoid providing too many details about what you want, as this will only confuse the agency.

Here are some tips on what to include in your brief:

  1. A clear description of your project and its objectives. What are you trying to achieve with this project (sales, engagement...)? ✅

  2. An overview of your target audience and their needs. Who is your project aimed at?

  3. The key features you want to include in your product. ✅

  4. Any specific design requirements you may have. ✅

  5. Your budget and timetable for the project. How much do you want to spend and when do you need to complete the project? ✅

If you've managed to put together all or most of these elements and you need a digital agency, don't hesitate to send it to us for a quote and personalised advice on how to make your project a success. contact us here.

If you're not sure yet, keep reading and discover how we can work together. 👇

The Collaboration Process with UX Agencies

Ux Audit

For a company to truly understand how its customers interact with its website or mobile app, it needs an overall view. The UX audit from What’zhat provides exactly that: a comprehensive view of what works well and what needs improvement from the user's perspective.

It consists of a detailed analysis of key pages or templates on each device to identify weaknesses in terms of user experience, ergonomics, wording, usability, or message clarity.

It starts with UX research to understand the reasoning behind the creation of interfaces and includes user testing conducted by a UX designer from our team.

Thanks to this valuable feedback, you will have optimization ideas, recommendations, and other key data to ensure your customers have a positive and successful experience with your company.

The days of guessing what your customers want are over!

Persona Research

To design a user experience that your customers will love, you need to know who they are. That's exactly what What’zhat's persona study does.

A persona is a fictional character that represents a specific type of user. Creating a UX persona or user persona is an essential part of the design process because it helps us understand the deep needs, expectations, and goals of your users. This way, you'll know exactly what they want, and you can deliver it to them.

At What’zhat, we create personas based on user tests and real data from your target audience. This allows us to design user flows (the digital journey) and identify the screens and interfaces that will meet their specific needs.

We ensure that every design element aligns with the same goal: providing your users with a smooth and exceptional experience.

As a result, you will see an increase in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and conversions.

Ux Conception

User experience (UX design) is based on the identified personas and created user flows. We will design the sitemap, which are graphical representations of the user journey, by creating the pages, interactions, and hierarchy of your future website or mobile application.

A sitemap, or site plan, is a very useful tool for the entire project, as it allows all project stakeholders (project manager, product manager, designers, and developers) to have an overview of the platform and start planning the layout accordingly. It can also be used to indicate the priority of pages relative to one another, help with content organization, identify the user journey, and pinpoint missing screens (design dead-ends).

We ensure that all important information is easy to find and that users can get where they need to go with a minimum number of clicks.

Always focused on our UX user, we then design the screens in "wireframe" (the wireframing stage), addressing their needs at each step of the process.

Our team of designers will create high-fidelity digital mockups that align with your brand image and communication, taking your users on a journey they won't forget. We pay close attention to details because even the smallest element can have a significant impact on the user experience.

Our ultimate goal is to create ergonomic, intuitive, addictive, and enjoyable digital experiences for your users, continuously impressing them and encouraging them to return.

Our UX design teams consist of expert designers who are passionate about their work. We always stay at the forefront, ensuring that your product uses the latest trends and best design techniques to support your marketing efforts.

Illustration de la conception UI en low-poly

Ui Conception

The user interface, or UI design, is the graphical and visual part of your digital product. We will apply your company's brand image and style to our mockups. A mockup is a static representation of a screen, containing all the elements that will be present on the screen, such as text, images, photos, graphics, etc.

A successful web mockup must be intuitive: users should understand how to use it without any instructions and easily find what they are looking for by following the defined path. The screen elements must be arranged in an orderly manner according to graphic design theories, ensuring that the text is readable, the images are eye-catching, and the desired elements draw the viewer's attention.

The interface must also be visually appealing so that users enjoy using it. Everything our agency does is based on analysis and research, from typography to color palette, marketing content, iconography, and micro-interactions, to create stunning user interfaces that will make your users fall in love with your product.

During this process, we will also design all custom illustrations.

Our agency typically uses Adobe XD, allowing us to have your projects and mockups online on Adobe's cloud, available 24/7. This is the stage where the project comes to life, getting closer to the final result.

We also work closely with your development team to ensure that our designs and digital web mockups are feasible and can be implemented smoothly. We provide detailed documentation to ensure that the digital assets meet all requirements, allowing the web agency to easily handle the development and reproduce them accurately (and most importantly, without taking any design initiatives 🙂).

The Benefits of Working with One of the Best UX/UI Design Agencies

What'zhat is one of the best Ux design agencies on the market, when you work with us, you are guaranteed expertise and a high quality product that meets your needs and those of your users. You can be sure that your product will benefit from the latest web design and creation techniques. You'll also benefit from our teams of expert Ux designers. What's more, our team will support you throughout the creation and design process and advise you on the best choices for your project or redesign.

In short, we create experiences that build lasting relationships with your audience and solutions that optimize the quality of the user journey, increase your conversion rate, and ultimately maximize your sales. We will elevate your mobile application or digital interface to a new dimension.

So, if you're looking for a top-notch UX or UI design agency for your startup or marketing department, capable of designing stunning interfaces and an incredible user experience for your digital product, look no further – we're here to help!

We would be delighted to discuss your project with you and provide a free audit and quote.

Our Successful Collaborations

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

They trust us

More and more brands are putting their trust in What'zhat to communicate their medical products and services. They have chosen our services for the quality, efficiency and originality of our web and print solutions. Our team is committed to providing each customer with high-quality work and exceptional results.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Zodiac logo





Starbucks Logo


MBR initiatives

Web Design News

Drop us a line.

Don't hesitate any longer—contact the What’zhat agency for your web and mobile redesign projects!