A man wearing a medical mask looks through a window with one hand resting on the glass.

Remedy for loneliness

Don't quarantine your brain!


"It's too quiet, ...I don't like that very much, ... I prefer it when it's a bit less quiet" Edifis, Mission Cleopatra.

18 years after the film's release, it's not an attack by Roman legionnaires that we're dreading, but that of a virus named after a Mexican beer. We circle in a few square metres like caged wild beasts and only venture out into the deserted streets armed with written authorisation. In short, we've seen more festive times.

But confinement also allows you to take time for yourself and refocus on your priorities. If you've been thinking about setting up your own business for some time, now's the time to get to work on it. Contrary to popular belief, isolation is not just for hermits and creative types. Whether they are entrepreneurs, researchers or artists, many people draw their inspiration from the outside world and then isolate themselves to build the foundations of their projects. Albert Einstein, for example, discovered the theory of relativity while living confined to Germany during the First World War.

"An hour seems like a minute when you're next to a beautiful woman, and a minute seems like an hour when you're on a hot stove. Albert Einstein.

This colourful and humorous explanation of relativity by its author invites us to...... put things into perspective and think about how we use the extra free time we now have. Here are four simple steps to help you prepare to launch your first business in the next few weeks.


First of all, sit in a quiet and comfortable place. Write down all the business ideas that come to mind, even the craziest ones. Once you've filled your sheet(s) with ideas to the point where your wrist aches, examine each one:

👉 Does this idea meet an existing need? In other words: do you think someone would be willing to pay for this good or service?

👉 Does this idea arouse your enthusiasm and curiosity?

"You have to be passionate about an idea or a problem you want to solve. If you're not passionate enough from the start, you won't last. [The only way to do a good job is to love what you do. Steve Job

Select the idea that seems most useful and exciting to you, then sum up your business project in one simple sentence.

"If you can't explain a concept to a six-year-old, you don't fully understand it" - Albert Einstein.


A good way to assess the relevance of your idea is to search the internet to see if this type of business already exists. If so, that's a good sign: there are probably potential customers. Collect as much information as possible about these companies. How do they go about marketing this type of product or service? How do they communicate? Are they growing? Think about a strategy to differentiate yourself from the competition. On the other hand, if you cannot find traces of your idea on the web, ask yourself if you have done your research sufficiently, if your idea meets a real need or if you have truly found the idea of the century.


It's time to pick up the phone to submit your idea to external opinions. Select a few people who can give you constructive criticism and call them. Even though this step may seem scary, it is very important because we often lack perspective on our own ideas. Your contacts will be able to give you another perspective on your project and help you assess its feasibility.


Based on your thoughts and the information collected, define a name and a temporary image for your future business. Create a page on social networks and invite your existing acquaintances and contacts. Clearly present the concept of your business to them and regularly share your progress. Use reviews and recommendations from your online communities to gradually improve your product or service. Take advantage: during confinement, the French spend more time on social networks!

Did reading this article make you want to get started? Have you already closed your bedroom door and canceled your Netflix subscription? It's good ! But the hardest part remains to be done: persevere without getting carried away. Take inspiration from the advice of an investor who lacks neither success nor humor:

"No matter how talented you are, some things take time: you can't get nine women pregnant and have a baby in a month" Warren Buffet


Here are two inspiring videos on the entrepreneurial adventure:

Steve JobsStandford speech
CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005

Simon Sinekthe golden circle
TED talk

And what recommendations would you make to aspiring entrepreneurs who are hesitating to take the plunge?
Send us your comments just below.

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