WOLKSWAGEN logo history

The tumultuous history of the WOLKSWAGEN logo


I want you to take a moment and think about why Volkswagen would like to change its logo. Is that OK? For those of you who are speculating that it might have something to do with Volkswagen's cheated You are absolutely right. This new logo is linked to the scandal that has tarnished the reputation of the car manufacturer.

In any case, here's the new Volkswagen logo:

Things took a bad This is a turning point for Volkswagen since the "diesel gate". An event that destroyed our confidence in the brand. That's why reconnect Volkswagen's number one priority is to build new links with us, hence the change of logo. Speaking of which, here's the whole thing first Volkswagen logo, and a nod to the point of Godwin.

Is there a little something familiar with this symbol? In 1937, this logo represented the Volkswagen brand when it was created in Nazi Germany. An association that Volkswagen very quickly broke away from once it became its own brand after the war. By the way, here is their logo in 1960:

The resemblance with the new 2019 logo is striking! Coincidence? We don't think so. Apparently this is the logo model that is systematically chosen when Volkswagen is on the road to transition (redemption?). If you remember correctly, it was in the 1960s that Volkswagen has gone from being Hitler's car to the car of the hippies and the peace and love movement, hence the need for a new logo.

In short! Volkswagen has once again draw a line on its past. And to prove it, they showed us their new logo at the same time as the ID.3, their new model. electric and environmentally friendly. A sure-fire way to mark the change. But what Volkswagen really did was to turn this mea culpa into a unique communication opportunity.

The most contemporary companies of our century are, without a shadow of a doubt, the technology companies. They have a brand image that is human, modern and attractive. Let's take a look at what they do with their logos these days:

Illustration of a user-centred Ux design with graphic elements and data.

Let's compare the old Volkswagen logo with the new one.

Illustration of a user-centred Ux design with graphic elements and data.

The typography and the shape of the new Volkswagen logo shares many similarities with Silicon Valley companies. This demonstrates Volkswagen's desire to be more in tune with its era: the digital era. What better way to do this than with a simple logo? two-dimensionalapproachable, but which inspires a certain legitimacy, while being easily transferable from one platform to another. This logo can easily be interchangeable with different schematics and can be illuminated at your Volkswagen dealer just like on your car. Just like an Apple product.


With this new identity come other new attributesa electro-futuristic jingle and a female voice to go with it. This might seem insignificant, but in truth it's quite bold for an industry that is historically male-dominated, even associated with misogyny. Once again, a sign that Volkswagen wants to evolve and living with the times. And, whether or not we agree with these changes, the communication around these elements marks with success Volkswagen's determination to turn the page. It's a risky gamble, but one that has the merit of update the brand and the automotive industry in general.

Finally, here's a quote from Volkswagen's Marketing Director on these developments: "We have created a new holistic global brand experience across all channels and touchpoints. In principle, the aim in future will not be to show a perfect advertising world. In our presentation, we want to become more human and alive, adopt more of the customer's perspective and tell authentic stories."

What do you think of this story and their branding?

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